Sep 20, 2023·edited Sep 20, 2023Liked by Ash Ambirge


Re, this: "So much of the stuff we fill our lives with every day is the equivalent of mental throat clearing; a psychological gargling to prepare ourselves for the real work we want to be doing."

The "not looking at the phone." The "morning pages." Yes, there are reasons for doing those things.

However, I find many people want the "identity" over the brain science. They're doing those things kind of rote, mindlessly, hoping they will be the fulcrum that causes the motivation to make the shift in their lives. Spoiler: they won't be.

I've been writing (not as publicly as you) but in one way or another, for my entire adult life. How does it look? Put fingers on the damn keys. Type.

Chop wood, carry water. It's a discipline as old as humanity itself. It's highly spiritual to thump thump, do the work, show up, day in, day out.

Showing up and doing the work is WAY more spiritual than half the shit on that list you wrote. Cupping? Tea? What!?

People have this idiotic idea that some day, the glorious identity they want is going to be washed over them like some wave of euphoria and THEN they'll have the gumption to act. THAT IS NOT THE WAY IT LOOKS.

Chop the wood. Carry the water. You will embody being it before you ever notice that you are, indeed, what you set out to become. In fact, chances are, other people are gonna tell you before you figure it out yourself.

Sidebar: I'm spiritual as all fuck. And I say "fuck." And I give myself permission. Even NEEM KAOROLI BABA HIMSELF called people "sister fuckers." And the first thing I do every morning is check LinkedIn to see what late night messages someone I'm in love with sent me, likely halfway into a bottle of wine. And the second thing I do is respond to emails and my clients.

AND YOU KNOW WHY? Because I really, and I MEAN REALLY, like being inactive in the afternoon.. which means ANYWHERE FROM TWELVE TO FUCKING 7PM

It looks how any one person wants it to look.

But you don't get out of using the axe. 🪓🪵🚶🏻‍♂️💦 (I wish I could bold, headline this line.)

Thanks for always speaking the gospel, my friend.

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Okay, CAN YOU PLEASE JUST REPUBLISH THIS ENTIRE COMMENT AS A POST????? I'm so glad I know you. If only we could see us back in college—–in London! And everyone needs to sign up for your coaching. CHOP WOOD, CARRY WATER. This really has the potential to be life-changing.

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Proud to say there's no ballsack tea in my cupboard. No butter on my ass either because if there was I'd have bigger problems. My dog likes licking butter 😂

I really don't have a "weird" morning habit unless you consider saying good morning to an urn weird. Of course I talk to dead people...who doesn't?

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I have two dead people here in this new house - I should start chatting them up!!!!!!!!! (While drinking my ballsack coffee.)

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😂 I'm sure they'll appreciate the company. It's actually kinda cozy-morning-ish to light a little tealight by the urn...assuming your dead people are in urns, not in ghost form.

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I really gotta....get some urns.

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Sep 20, 2023·edited Sep 20, 2023Liked by Ash Ambirge

How do people do all that shit and still live their lives? I do one or two, mostly because it DOES help me not want to maim the humans around me who are first-class assholes (not to be confused with your ordinary, garden variety asshole, like myself).

I don't check my phone first thing in the morning because for me phone = people - and I do not want to people before I even get out of bed. But I'm Gen-X so whatever. 🤷‍♀️

Also, the phone takes my mind elsewhere when what I need to write is to be clear in my own head. Phone = people = thought pollution, at least in the morning. Later in the day, phone = people = ideas, so I guess there's that.

I can't think of a "worst morning habit" mostly because I just don't give a shit what other people think, I guess. (Again. Gen-X.) I definitely agree, though, that, "So much of the stuff we fill our lives with every day is the equivalent of mental throat clearing; a psychological gargling to prepare ourselves for the real work we want to be doing." ALL. OF. THIS. ALL. DAY. LONG. 👑

Butt in chair.

Bird by bird.

P.S. WTF is "oil pulling"??????

Never mind. I don't care.

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PHONE = PEOPLE. That's soooo true. I keep my notifications silenced pretty much all day long because it physically hurts me to have my thoughts constantly interrupted. I try to batch my replies! :) I'm not responsive, but I am present. Usually, anyway--ha!

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I think oil pulling has something to do with gargling coconut oil lol. I could be wrong 🥥 🌴

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I fucking love that you wrote bird by bird 🥰

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This makes me feel so much better about my morning routine of not getting up and then finally drinking tea

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LOL "of not getting up." Can that just be our morning routine? 😂

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It just takes commitment and Yorkshire tea.

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I can’t say I’ve ever buttered my ass as you so eloquently put it, but I’ve engaged in so much leucocholy, I feel this. New word I learned today which describes me perfectly. 😂

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Whoa! I had to Google it, too! Now I must listen to the pronunciation. 😂 The worst was the time I used a word in my book and then, while recording the audio book in studio, realized I didn't know how to pronounce it right! True story!!! (I wish I could remember the word.)

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Worst morning (afternoon & evening) habit as of late. Playing solitaire on my phone while hiding in the bathroom so hubby won't think I'm a freak even though he's the one that introduced me to the game. So it's his fucking fault. he he he.

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Omg, I have seen people doing this a lot lately! I know one woman who does it during conversations because she's socially anxious. I'm not sure it's going over well with her conversational partners, lol, but I have definitely seen this. It MUST be good!

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Dopamine baby <3

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I try to do all the things while knowing that CWCW is the real deal.

Yes sign up for Andee's coaching - she is the real -no shit - deal.

Ash - you hit with every sentence.

This is my fave from today: "Drinking 4 gallons of cucumber water infused with Deepak Chopra’s pit sweat"

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Are... are you watching me? Was this article your way of telling me you’ve been watching me? 😬

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LOL, was it the "I don't do yoga or stretch my knobby knees" part? 😂 Because that was most relatable for me hahaha.

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I enjoy starting the day best with caffeine and healthy dose of explosions a la Agents of Shield, or murder mysteries like NCIS, with my cat nearby purring but still judging the amount of black chai tea with honey, and the entire dark chocolate bar, it takes me to happily ease my way, like the Taurus I am, into a day of creating higher self portraits and astrology art. It's my personal favorite way to start a very good day!

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ASTROLOGY ART! Kristen!!! This is the *perfect* branding!!!!!! I know we talked about this so much—based on your bio, it looks like it has all come together for you. I'm thrilled!

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Thank you! It's been a bit of a journey that you've helped make possible to happen! <3

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