Right on, my friend. Excellent piece.

I have a short story:

I started following, and subsequently learning from this man recently who got me to join his community by not giving the link to it, and rather writing "stop being lazy and Google it." (I get off on that attitude.) Once inside, I absorbed every word he said. I gladly give him my money because he is such a tremendous truth teller.

Last week he said "If you earn less than $100,000 a year you don't have a niche, you have a fantasy. You haven't earned the right to a niche."

I love him. I would marry him if he wasn't married. Because he's right. People who have niches are just being themselves, and their "niche" is just comprised of the followers who have been attracted to whatever that SELF is through the years.

I think it's important to note that for one to follow enthusiasm, one needs to know WHO they are. Otherwise they're just following the brain-dead Western "eyes-forward" way of being where they look to someone *else* for the answer... And while strategy is *****immensely important,***** as are teachers, mentors, facilitators, etc, no ONE teacher has your answer, but rather an amalgamation of teachers. They are the all-you-can-eat buffet of the world. You take bits from everyone to compliment your essence.

I hope that your piece will inspire, and I hope that when others read it, they'll spare you the analysis paralysis anecdotes and get into motion of what really FEELS fucking awesome.

And... Your YouTube project sounds hilarious. I'd watch the fuck out of that.

Sidebar: The sociologist in me spends way too much time in YouTube human voyeurism. Did you know there's an ENTIRE "anti-MLM" genre on YouTube? If you ever want to lose your faith in humanity, go spend an hour there. 🤣

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First, I love this YT series idea. We need MORE content like this with all the garbage floating out there.

Also, I needed this message as I’ve been trying to box myself into a niche/category since I was a child. Is that weird? Probably. I love the idea of opening up the aperture and thinking more broadly and how everything I do fits under that umbrella.

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One, this came just in time as I JUST realized my message/cohesive theme which relaxed me like a Zen Buddhist.

Second, if you're still coughing it could be a minor case of bronchitis.

For a little over 10 years now, if I get a cold (even in the Summer. Like WTF?...), I will have a sliver of a case of bronchitis where I can't stop coughing & constantly clearing my throat. And eventhough I'm coughing hard, it doesn't hurt my throat whatsoever.

I went to too many doctors who stupidly thought it was asthma, until I found one that actually did a test & came up with the bronchitis prognosis. She gave me a medication, told me to come back to her in 7 days if the cough wasn't gone, it was gone in 2. #Competence

And the test is nothing but the stethoscope on your front & back chest, and possibly, an x-ray and they'll be able to tell.

OR it could be allergies.

But definitely have them check for a minor case of bronchitis.

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I see food and eat it. Does that count? 🥰

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Cringey niche = yes, I have two. Themes, I have many, and none make me cringe yet! Thanks for the refocus.

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Let me know if you want a list of seafood restaurants in New England. Here's one


You remember I want to own an oyster farm some day.

Here's another one.


I guy I went to high school owns this seafood shack.

If you want a tour guide, let me know.


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