Ask Roger where he got his cards printed. I'm going to order 500 of them 😂 I love Roger.

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YES! I have mine in my wallet, just so I can tell people this story. 😂

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Jan 6Liked by Ash Ambirge

Sometimes, rest is the hard work that needs to be done.

Gotta write the above line on a post it and stick it on my computer so that I would remember to take breaks every so often rather than trying my utmost best to finish it all in a day!

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Jan 6Liked by Ash Ambirge

This + You are a poem! The tempo. The tenderness. The simple truths. Humanly + beautiful. 💛💛💛

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Your comment made my day. THANK YOU!

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Jan 6Liked by Ash Ambirge

Hey Ash, Happy Saturday.

My right arm is doing something similar but I’ve been down this road before.

In 2018, when I was in grad school, I spent every waking moment on my laptop writing papers and doing research. My favorite spot to work was on the granite island in my kitchen. My elbow's nook would rest on the edge of the counter perfectly (or so I thought). I was actually pinching the nerve and damaged it so badly that I had to have surgery on my left elbow.

The surgery worked and I’ve been trying my best not to rest my elbows on the edge of the counter (but clearly not enough). I also purchased a wrist pad (hold please, I need to get it). Now that I think about it, I’ve been awful at not doing what I’m supposed to do or not do. For what it is worth, maybe see how you place your elbows on the table while you type.

“You may think yourself lazy, or flawed. Yet your body is made of almost exactly the same elements as the stars. Your bone composition matches the coral in the seas and you, my friend, are ruled by the moon and the sun. Whether you like it or not. So no, you are not lazy, Nature is simply pulling you to slow, like the life, the floral and fauna around you. It is not your moment to rise. It is winter, you are wintering. And you are right on time.” - Donna Ashworth

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Oh my god. First of all, THAT QUOTE. Whatttttttttttttttttttt! That is SUCH an incredible thought.

Secondly—I cannot believe you had to have surgery! I have a feeling something similar is at play here. The X-ray showed "significant muscle spasm in the neck with reverse curvature," so it's off to the chiro I go. Too much laptop writing, indeed! (Part of the reason why I bought the farmhouse: give me projects to get my butt UP.)

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I also heard a split key board is suppose to be helpful. Chiro's scare the shit out of me. I think I've seen too many action movies with hitmen killing people by snapping their neck. Gives me the heebie-Jeebies. I prefer Physical Therapy. It's a more gentle type of torture. Good Luck!

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I love reading your writings. Keep mentoring young people. Country living prices are insane and we have heard about the snow the northeast is suppose to get all the way down here in the south. It’s cooold here, but non-stop rain all weekend. So I’m enjoying the staying in and resting, maybe I’ll cook something warm and comforting, like stew...stew sounds comforting.

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I cooked stew this weekend, Elle! Did you end up making one? Decided to do it my mom's way: just cut up big chunks of everything and let it be easy. Was the first time I just threw some whole garlic cloves into the mix without worrying about dicing it up! And you know what??? THE SHIT TURNED OUT FANTASTIC.

The snow was a blast! Took a snow ride in the Jeep and took some shots that I posted on IG (along with first reveal of the farmhouse!!!):


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Oooh, everything looks so magical inside a snow globe!!! How fun was that Ash!!!

I did make stew, well a bean soup-I guess. I took that leftover ham bone from Christmas out of the freezer and threw it in a pot with whatever dried beans and refrigerator veggies I had on hand and let that bad boy simmer all day. The house smelled sooooooo good and it was yummy! No recipe insight, totally winged it and finshed it up last night. Lol Damn, I love hibernating. Wake me when its spring!! LOL

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Your stories from the countryside are fabulous. Love the chapter of you and Roger and hope to hear more.

You are a story teller. Don't stop. Evaaaa.

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This comment made me 😀. THANK YOU. (And also, Roger will surely be a recurring character, ha!)

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Jan 6Liked by Ash Ambirge

Yes we like them. Not all of them but you get to choose. Those who love a bottle of Frank's and those who don't.

I'm sorry about your arm. When we were working on our reno (smaller scale compared to yours) Nerves in my arms, esp wrists became more sensitive because of the strain and force I was now using to complete projects. I had to dial back the power tool use, let my body recover.

Realized 15+ years after my return home I had some unresolved junk from childhood. Stress was manifesting in new ways - I wasn't sick, just reconciling adulthood with the inner child. Not attempting to diagnose - but offering my experience and I didn't piece it together at the time. Be happy be well.

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That is SO interesting. Honestly, it has felt like stepping into a new realm—sort of like a dream. It feels familiar, and yet, all the rules of adulthood here are different. It's been great for perspective.

Also I am absolutely categorizing everyone I meet as TEAM FRANKS or not - and will inform my friendship decisions thus forward. 🤣 HA!

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Jan 6Liked by Ash Ambirge

Once a man said to me, "Do nothing, and nothing remains undone." I moved in with him a week later...

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Omg - I’m such a mush, I’m actually getting teary-eyed thinking of my decade+ of living in Queen Village, Philly - the world’s biggest fair (makes you even miss the “freak show”). 😜 I loved reading this one—even read it to my other half. So…maybe a country wreath & writing farmhouse party with Ash in 2024? Plus, I think we all want to take Roger out for lunch and a pint of Guinness! 🍺

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Omg, could you imagine?! We'll all show up to Roger's house and he would be tickled hot pink!!!!!!!!!!!! He would absolutely have us over, haha. "Country wreath and writing farmhouse party" sounds delicious, doesn't it just?! I LIKE IT!!!!!!

And—so much yes to Queen Village. I know it well! I was always down there photographing architecture. There's definitely something to be said about that place. ❤️

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"People exist for one another. You can instruct them or endure them." -Marcus Aurelius

I absolutely lean toward the latter. (Despite all the high-vibe, spiritual shit... People are a lot of work!)

I see you're enjoying our healthcare system again! lol

The only pleasurable healthcare experience I ever had in my 38 years was when I got Medicaid on a technicality after I lost my job during the pandemic. It was the best health insurance I ever had...

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Ha, people ARE a lot of work. 😂 And then I have to remind myself that I always walk away feeling lighter + brighter after an interaction. (Unless it's wreath guy, hahahahahah.)

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Ash - I’m suffering from the same arm problem and was just discussing it with my husband. Please let me know if it’s a brain tumor. Thanks!

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HEY! Good news: NOT A BRAIN TUMOR. Howeverrrrrr, here's what my new favorite doctor wrote to me in the patient portal, verbatim:

"I have received your xray and lab results. Xray shows significant muscle spasm in the neck with reverse curvature. Chiropractor will help immensely. I have also sent for a muscle relaxer, try to take at bedtime - it may cause drowsiness. You do have mild degenerative disc but common concern for most people."

When I read the bit about the muscle relaxer I had to laugh. My first thought was that she was prescribing me Valium or something equally cringey from the 90s. 😂 Sooooooo - I'm now heading to the chiropractor. Sounds like an X-ray could help you, too!!!!!!! Keep me posted!!!!!

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Hmmmm. Ash, you DO want a baby!? I find myself saying things out loud (to myself) that surprise me... perhaps my mouth is more connected to the messages the universe is sending than my brain is.

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I think if I were to really want to stay here and live here and be content in the farmhouse, I might entertain it. But, I don't really see myself with a baby when I want to pop over to live in Europe or explore Scandinavia or return to South America—for some reason, that narrative doesn't work in my brain. But, the Ash who lives here in the farmhouse makes sense with one. Weird how you can feel like different versions of yourself???

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