Sep 5·edited Sep 5Liked by Ash Ambirge

These are WONDERFULLY astute. Like lemon-fucking-zest bright light on the doubts and the millions of ideas. Makes me realize what's stalling me out is that I keep not wanting to pick one thing and try it. I want to make it all, all at the same time. Because I do know that's both a bad idea and impossible (from running community development nonprofits for half my career), I just keep sitting there looking at the massive layer cake ideas instead of just making a muffin and seeing what happens. (Why yes, I'm baking this morning, why do you ask?! 🤣🍪)

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Lemon-zest bright light!!!!!!!!! Oooooo!!! Any decisions you're wrestling with right now we can help you brainstorm with?!

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Well, yeah. I have been in commitment limbo for a few years, swinging between focusing on any of the following:

1. Helping academics learn communications skills they acutely need, so they can to make their social justice/systems change efforts legible/map them onto "standard academic values". Goal: equip folks to get credit and support for their work instead of resistance and/or dismissal as cservice" (aka job volunteering that doesn't count/unpromotable tasks). Think: toastmasters for needs who want to make the world a better place.

2. An expanded version of #1 that isn't just about vommunication, but also addressed basic leadership skills academics don't get trained on. Like running a meeting well enough that people want to come back for the second one. And other skills/processes that would ideally teach them how to envision change/enhancement of the classes they teach and the university as a whole. I have a strong hypothesis that a lot of the inertia in modern academia comes from academics lacking models for how collective action/social change works and how to go about it. It's absurd - they have loads of resources, they run large, complex teams involving lots of people. But somehow, they can't imagine changing a department policy to be more transparent about xyz or to change the curriculum plain even though a degree is 10 years out of date.

3. Coach science faculty/instructors/mentors to actually learn to teach writing (using the 50+ years of research from Writing Studies/Rhetoric & Composition that science folks are never gonna read!). I have a book under contract with University of Chicago Press on this, due out in 2025. It can be really effective and fun, but a lot of the methods are counterintuitive if you grew up with red pen "corrections" bleeding all over your own writing.

4. Chuck it all and focus on coaching people to trust their desire for creative expression. I teach people how to draw from the über very very basics. I am a proselytizer of poetry (that everyone can write it and that there is poetry for everyone). I can help you make a massive, collaborative "mural" even if you're "not an artist." So, reflective art and journaling, especially for travel, slowing down, or getting to know a new city when you move.

This is all complicated by my having taught various topics (Sustainability, gardening, nature journaling, outdoor education, and how to do public engagement) for 20 years. And I've been a journalist, editor, artist, and communications consultant. I've run a lot of programs along these lines, too. (Examples: https://www.meteorscicomm.org, https://www.uwyo.edu/wysci) So, I know these ideas are possible. And I know how to move them into programs. I even really love the digital products/courses approach but because I can't choose, or because each choice would still be several courses/ products, I just keep thinking, not choosing and doing.

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I can feel your torment Bethann 😵‍💫 what I have found though is looking at your ideas in a new light. Scan them and dig out from all of them, the joyful bits that really make your energy rise within you. I.e. as you read them or as you come with an idea, tune in to your body and be aware of how you feel. If it feels a light easy energy, then go for it, but if feels like a depressive low vibe energy, forget it.

From my experience, any idea I have made without doing the above has been a disaster. But if I tune into my body and let her tell me what feels good, and I then follow it, things start to flow easy as I take action.

This is all to do with listening to your intuition and this energy is light and easy, and will bring you joy. i.e follow your joy.

Love your saying "making a muffin and seeing what happens" ... that is what I am suggesting... dig out all the joyful sweet tasting ingredients from your ideas or tit bits and make a biz that overflows with what you love to do and enjoy


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Yes, that's exactly right, Jane! I can feel in my body the bad ideas. I usually get that vibe from external ideas, and have learned to notice and pay attention to it. I haven't given these ideas that consideration, yet. :) Thanks!

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Absolutely perfect, Ash. I feel like a lot of these I've heard in some form but you've pulled them together and also added some flesh for ease of understanding. In any case, running through this list just confirmed everything I'm doing and (strangely) my mental state this morning so - in a way you're totally creeping me out and get out of my head!!

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Don't even think about leaving this platform, Ash! (HAHA) You're more precious to us than pizza on a cheat day!

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Okay, THAT IS MY NEW FAVORITE COMPLIMENT EVER!!!!! (And also, "Pizza on a Cheat Day" should be someone's blog, the end.)

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Ok, I claim first dibs! ;) tee hee

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Luckily my current business was a big-fat hell-yes to all your questions. Or a no, whichever the positive answer would be to each Q.

I think I've said this before but yours is the ONLY newsletter thing I read. *Sometimes* I read one other, a woman who has also worked with you. Everything else is trash. I see a theme here!

Damnit, you're going to convince me to join Selfish School this round, aren't you??

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HIGHLY recommend, Christine!!

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This is so timely. I have a huge list of biz ideas and working through them to dig out the juicy tit bits from each that bring a sense of lightness and joy in my heart, so to create a biz which will satisfy my longing for an easy way to make money I enjoy doing and I am damn good at, whilst working with people I love working for.

What i get from reading the list, is that it's best to create a biz that is a joy to do and fun.

The question "Are you presenting yourself as an expert, or an enthusiast?" had me thinking...

I am definitely both in my field, which brings cream to the pudding!

At present where have cream on the pudding, as an enthusiast and expert (worked up to it), is being..

*A Pet Sitter, caring for peoples animals whilst they go away on vacation and ensuring their house is secure and maintained. This brings me so much joy being with animals and I love travelling... and I feel I'm doing my calling as its so easy to do and is a delight each day. Being doing this for 15 years now, and have so many ideas to expand this little biz I have... like offering dog walking, day visits, vet visits etc

if anyone has any other ideas, please say

Where I am both an enthusiast and expert, but haven't launched and want to

* I have been living a Raw Vegan Lifestyle for 20 years (self taught due to health reasons) and have thrived. It cured several chronic dis-eases and other disorders. It's so magical the way it makes you feel vibrant, energetic and alive. Haven't been ill since I started.

I would love to create a biz inspiring and teaching people this way of life... but its a very narrow specialist niche of the health and I'm not sure there are any eager people to learn this lifestyle.

I would have to break it down into step by step but that is a huge task and makes me wanna leap into a hole to think of starting it. But I meet people most days in health food stores asking me so many questions of whats in my basket and what I do with all the fresh produce I have in there.

I chat for hours with them and get home wondering... if only I could come with an idea thats not just creating recipes which would bore me eventually, and there are a few good websites already existing.

Any ideas anyone?

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The pet sitting seems so delightful...but also constrained to your availability. It makes me wonder whether there are asynchronous bits you could build out to supplement. Like, 10 things that really help your pet sitter (or your pet!?!) when you're away. Or, mapping out for people how to build a business as a pet sitter. I imagine there's a lot of nuance to it *well beyond what to charge), including how you know when to say *no* to staying at someone's house, etc., etc.

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pet.Thanks for the reply and idea of asynchronous bits to add to the biz, and the idea of branching out as an advisor for setting up a pet sitting biz.

I like the idea of adding "how to's" but not sure I would charge for these to my clients, but would offer them as paid items away from the operations of the pet sitting biz.

I could setup a website with these supplement "how to" offerings for both sitter and clients, for people who want to become a sitter and for clients wanting to know how build a relationship with a sitter which benefits both sitter and client.

This sparked up an idea to also add "how to's" for pet owners who are wanting to know how to care for their pets in a holistic natural way for long-term health of their pet

Thanks Bethann, you made my brain go on fire with ideas 🤩

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What impacts me the most about these questions is how they're keeping me in check.

I've started my first newsletter sequence and I'm noticing how distracted I get by ANY attention ("YAY! You noticed me!!!!"), and when I remember WHAT I'm writing about and WHY, I realize it's not for everyone. Thank you, Ash!

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